sebuah group anak anak jati borneo (sabah & sarawak ) yang dinamakan Team's De'leopard ini merupakan salah satu wadah atau laman sosial bagi mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim di antara anak-anak jati borneo yang merantau jauh di tanah malay semanjung..hubungan kekeluargaan di tanah semanjung sangat diperlukan untuk berkumpul bersama-sama dalam pelbagai perayaan dan aktiviti sosial amnya..ramai warga anak jati borneo yang berada di tanah semanjung samada yang berkerja mahupun yang sedang melanjutkan pelajaran..jadi group ini ditubuhkan sebagai medan perhubungan dan berintraksi antara satu sama lain tanpa mengira bangsa dan ini juga bebas daripada sebarang kegiatan jenayah atau sama waktu dengannya..apa yang penting Hidup 1 Borneo yang harmoni..jadi sama-sama lah kita eratkan hubungan silaturahim..

Sunday, April 22, 2012

‎~Sabah Sarawak Want Their Rights Back~

Published by Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia on Nov 13, 2011
3163 Signatures [View this Petition's Signature Map]
[Sign Petition]
Target: Reaching Sabah Sarawak People for Regain Our Point Agreement 18/20
Region: Malaysia
Sign the petition

Background (Preamble):
The 20 point agreement / 18 point agreement is between made between TWO countries ( Malaya and Sabah / Malaya and Sarawak).

Such being the case, no changes can be made on the agreement without the consent of the other. In the case, they seemed to be effort by the Federal Government to put aside this agreement or even ignore this agreement as it gets their way of integrating Sabah and sarawak according to West malaysia UMNO point of views and political agenda.

Sabah and sarawak must NEVER give up on this agreement as it provides us with more autonomy. The founding fathers has the foresight to see the greed of West Malaysian and sadly for Sabah since UMNO has come in and rule Sabah it has lost most of its autonomy. sarawak should continue to fight to uphold the 18 points agreement. While working with PKR those leaders from sarawak MUST insist that Pakatan Rakyat respect and enforce the 18 point agreement when they do come into power.

Monitor and review the implementation of the agreement
The government of Sarawak may like to consider setting a monitoring and reviewing committee to consolidate the implementation status and audit the programme that has been set to comply with the agreement. That will help Sarawak Malaysian to understand how much has been done in respect to the 18 point agreement.

Probably it would be good initiative to trace this document back in the UK to find more detail on the intent, spirit, process and even minutes of discussion leading to the signing of these agreement.

A memorandum for House of Lord in UK
Where is the Cobbold commission report now – probably in UK too. Malaya would never want to show it because the result is 33% want Malaysia, 33% do not want Malaysia and 33% undecided. How they concluded that Sabah and Sarawak should join Malaysia based on the statistics only “Allah” know. The British has some explaining to do to both Sarawak and sabah. Maybe a memorandum should be sent to the House of Lord to ask for explanation on the matter. What is the agreement all about?

The 20-point agreement, or the 20-point memorandum, is an agreement made between the state of Sabah (then North Borneo) with what would be the federal government of Malaysia prior to the formation of Malaysia in September 16, 1963. A similar agreement was made between the state of Sarawak and the federal government but with certain differences in their 18-point agreement.

The agreement
Point 1: Religion
While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah), and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to Borneo.

Point 2: Language
* a. Malay should be the national language of the Federation
* b. English should continue to be used for a period of 10 years after Malaysia Day
* c. English should be an official language of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) for all purposes, State or Federal, without limitation of time.

Point 3: Constitution
Whilst accepting that the present Constitution of the Federation of Malaya should form the basis of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaysia should be a completely new document drafted and agreed in the light of a free association of states and should not be a series of amendments to a Constitution drafted and agreed by different states in totally different circumstances. A new Constitution for Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) was of course essential.

Point 4: Head of Federation
The Head of State in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should not be eligible for election as Head of the Federation.

Point 5: Name of Federation
“Malaysia” but not “Melayu Raya”

Point 6: Immigration
Control over immigration into any part of Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah).

Point 7: Right of Secession
There should be no right to secede from the Federation

Point 8: Borneanisation
Borneanisation of the public service should proceed as quickly as possible.

Point 9: British Officers
Every effort should be made to encourage British Officers to remain in the public service until their places can be taken by suitably qualified people from Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah)

Point 10: Citizenship
The recommendation in paragraph 148(k) of the Report of the Cobbold Commission should govern the citizenship rights in the Federation of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) subject to the following amendments:
* a) sub-paragraph (i) should not contain the proviso as to five years residence
* b) in order to tie up with our law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a) should read “7 out of 10 years” instead of “8 out of 10 years”
* c) sub-paragraph (iii) should not contain any restriction tied to the citizenship of parents – a person born in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) after Malaysia must be federal citizen.

Point 11: Tariffs and Finance
Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should retain control of its own finance, development and tariff, and should have the right to work up its own taxation and to raise loans on its own credit.

Point 12: Special position of indigenous races
In principle, the indigenous races of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should enjoy special rights analogous to those enjoyed by Malays in Malaya, but the present Malays’ formula in this regard is not necessarily applicable in Borneo(Sarawak & Sabah).

Point 13: State Government
* a) the Prime Minister should be elected by unofficial members of Legislative Council
* b) There should be a proper Ministerial system in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah).

Point 14: Transitional period
This should be seven years and during such period legislative power must be left with the State of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) by the Constitution and not be merely delegated to the State Government by the Federal Government.

Point 15: Education
The existing educational system of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should be maintained and for this reason it should be under state control.

Point 16: Constitutional safeguards
No amendment modification or withdrawal of any special safeguard granted to Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should be made by the Central Government without the positive concurrence of the Government of the State of North Borneo

The power of amending the Constitution of the State of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should belong exclusively to the people in the state. (Note: The United Party, The Democratic Party and the Pasok Momogun Party considered that a three-fourth majority would be required in order to effect any amendment to the Federal and State Constitutions whereas the UNKO and USNO considered a two-thirds majority would be sufficient).

Point 17: Representation in Federal Parliament
This should take account not only of the population of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) but also of its seize and potentialities and in any case should not be less than that of Singapore.

Point 18: Name of Head of State
Yang di-Pertua Negara.

Point 19: Name of State
Sarawak or Sabah.

Point 20: Land, Forests, Local Government, etc.
The provisions in the Constitution of the Federation in respect of the powers of the National Land Council should not apply in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah). Likewise, the National Council for Local Government should not apply in Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah).

In 1961, when the Malayan government began discussing a possible merger with neighbouring Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei, problems of ethnic power relations arose again. The “Malaysia” proposal sans Sabah and Sarawak went back more than a decade; earlier negotiations had proved fruitless. The Singaporeans themselves were not anxious to be ruled by what they considered a Malay government. By 1961, however, Singapore had grown receptive to the idea of joining Malaysia, largely because of the prevailing idea at the time that industrial Singapore could not survive without access to Malayan markets.

Singapore Chinese population is a threat to Malaya
The Malayan government was not keen on having the Chinese Singaporean population push the Malays into a minority position in the new Malaysia. Many Malays felt that upsetting the Malay-dominated nature of the armed forces and police might place them in a dangerous situation. It was also argued that the inferior economic position of the Malays would be emphasised by the entry of even more rich Chinese, setting the stage for major discontent.

Malaya get Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia to make use of their native population numbers
The Malayans decided to resolve this by merging with Sabah and Sarawak; both British colonies had large native populations whom the government considered “Malay”. Under Article 160 of the Constitution, most of them were not Malay; the natives were mainly animists or Christians instead of Muslims as required. To resolve this issue, the government expanded its informal definition of “Malay” to include these people.
*The natives of Sarawak and Sabah are to be considered ‘Malays’ by the malayan union to solve their problems.. the ibans, the kenyahs, the bidayus, and etcs… My question is – is this true today or we from Sabah and sarawak being con / cheated by UMNO Malaya?
TARGET: Claiming back the 18/20 points for Sabah and Sarawak.

We, the undersigned want our rights as mentioned in the 18/20 points be given back to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

The last 48 years after being part of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak have seen these rights being stripped.

We feel that the current partnership NO LONGER BENEFITS Sabah and Sarawak.

We want at least 300,000 signatures of Sabah Sarawak People

Call support from international concern.
Support us for better future
Sign the petition

The ~Sabah Sarawak Want Their Rights Back~ petition to Reaching Sabah Sarawak People for Regain Our Point Agreement 18/20 was written by Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia and is in the category Justice at GoPetition. Contact author here. Petition tags: sabah sarawak declare their rights

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pusat Hiburan Borneo Di Semanjung


 Gunung Kinabalu

Burung Enggang

 Tatto Asal Borneo

Puncak Gunung Kinabalu

Sejenis Peralatan Yang Dinamakan Sumpit

Map Of Borneo

Gua Mulu Sarawak

Tambunan -Monument Sabah Borneo

Kenapa Heart of Borneo

Hanya ada satu tempat yang tersisa di Asia Tenggara, membentang melintasi batas Indonesia, Malaysia dan Brunei serta menjangkau hingga kaki bukit dan dataran rendah yang secara ekologis terkait dimana hutan masih dapat dikonservasi dalam skala yang sangat luas. Hutan hujan seluas 220,000 kilometer persegi yang saling terhubung, terdiri dari jaringan kawasan konservasi dan kawasan budidaya yang dikelola secara berkelanjutan, untuk memastikan perlindungan serta pengawetan keanekaragaman hayati dan sumber air bagi kemaslahatan para pihak di tingkat lokal, nasional dan internasional.
Kami menyebut kawasan tersebut sebagai Heart of Borneo, sebuah jantung kehidupan.

Hutan untuk Air…,Air untuk Kehidupan…

Dari jantung ini mengalir air segar ke nadi-nadi sungai-sungai Borneo yang memasok kebutuhan air bagi seluruh pulau. Setidaknya dari kawasan ini 14 sungai utama dari 20 sungai utama di Pulau Borneo bermula. Termasuk sungai besar di Kalimantan seperti Kapuas, Barito dan Mahakam serta ratusan anak sungainya berhulu di kawasan Heart of Borneo.
Sungai adalah urat nadi bagi kehidupan masyarakat di Pulau Borneo. Sungai menjadi sarana transportasi utama bagi masyarakat pedalaman, sungai juga menjadi sumber penghidupan bagi masyarakat.  Tidak mengherankan bila kita perhatikan banyak pemukiman serta kota di Kalimantan mengikuti alur sungai yang ada. Jadi dapat kita bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi bila sungai tempat mereka menggantungkan hidup selama ini rusak.
Hutan di Heart of Borneo adalah salah satu tempat di dunia dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi. Hutan tersebut juga menjadi salah satu dari dua tempat di dunia dimana Orang Utan, Gajah Asia dan Badak Sumatera hidup bersama. Sekitar 34 % dari flora dan fauna tersebut hanya dapat kita temui di Pulau Borneo atau kita kenal sebagai Pulau Kalimantan.  Dalam waktu 10 tahun terakhir telah ditemukan 361 spesies baru, dan hingga saat ini penemuan baru terus terjadi. Selama puluhan tahun Borneo menjadi magnet bagi ilmuwan dari berbagai belahan dunia untuk mengeksplorasi keragaman hayati.
Pemerintah tiga negara yaitu Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia dan Malaysia telah bersepakat secara bersama-sama menjaga kekayaan alam ini dan memanfaatkannya secara bijaksana. Kesepakatan ini tertuang dalam Deklarasi Heart of Borneo (2007) dan program kegiatannya terpetakan dalam Rencana Aksi Strategis Tiga Negara (2008).


The Bornean Clouded Leopard

The Bornean Clouded Leopard (Neofelis diardi), adalah kucing liar berukuran sedang yang ditemukan di Kalimantan dan lebih dikenali sebagai kucing batu (harimau bintang) atau macan dahan dan masih banyak lagi nama lokalnya. Kucing batu lebih menyukai habitat hutan tropis dan subtropis pada ketinggian hingga sekitar 6.500 kaki. Kebiasaan dari Kucing batu Kalimantan ini sebagian besar masih belum diketahui karena binatang tersebut masih merupakan rahasia alam.

Umumnya kucing batu adalah merupakan makhluk soliter. kulit yang dihiasi pola-pola gelap dengan bentuk yang tidak teratur seperti awan dan memiliki mata yang berbentuk oval. Kucing batu ini sejak lama diyakini sebagai subspesies dari Macan dahan (Neofelis nebulosa).

The Bornean Clouded Leopard memiliki badan seperti layaknya macan pada umumnya, dengan berat sekitar 55 kilogram. Kucing batu ini adalah predator terbesar di Borneo. Mayoritas mangsanya hidup di pepohonan kucing besar ini sangat bergantung pada kakinya untuk memanjat pohon sehingga diperlukan keterampilan memanjat yang bagus, dengan memiliki kaki pendek yang fleksibel, kaki besar, dan memiliki cakar yang tajam pula, kucing batu ini merupakan pemanjat yang ulung, kucing batu ini juga memiliki taring dengan panjang 2 inchi. Ekornya dapat tumbuh sepanjang tubuhnya, yang berguna untuk membantu keseimbangan.

Karena Bornean Clouded Leopard sangat sulit untuk dipelajari, sehingga mengakibatkan angka dari populasinya juga tidak dapat didata. Namun, studi terbaru memperkirakan populasi kucing batu kalimantan ini berkisar antara 5.000 sampai 11.000 ekor. Spesies ini pertama kali dicatat dalam abad ke-19 namun sedikit yang telah dipelajari. Selama ini kucing besar Bornean dianggap sama dengan macan tutul, tetapi hasil genetik membuktikan bahwa Kucing batu ini merupakan sepesies sendiri dan harus di perlakukan secara khusus. (dari berbagai sumber)


'Monster Borneo" Ular Nabu Mitos Kembali Berenang Di Sungai Baleh Borneo

Sebuah foto ular raksasa terlihat berenang melenggak-lenggok di sebuah sungai tropis yang dikelilingi oleh hutan gambut. Ular berwarna hitam itu sangat besar, hampir memenuhi sungai yang terletak di tengah-tengah hutan rawa yang rimbun. Air beriak di kiri kanannya. Kabarnya, foto itu diambil dari sebuah helikopter, 11 Februari 2009 lalu..

Foto itulah yang menjadi perdebatan luas di Malaysia saat ini. Kalimantan memang memiliki ular-ular raksasa. Namun selama ini, ular yang besar yang baru ditemukan adalah sejenis sanca atau python atau masyarakat Kalimantan menyebutnya ular sawah, yang panjangnya belasan meter.

Namun ular yang terlihat di foto dan beredar luas di internet, termasuk Youtube, jauh lebih panjang dan besar dibanding temuan python selama ini. Diperkirakan panjangnya 100 kaki atau sekitar 33 meter.

Gambar tersebut diambil oleh anggota tim wilayah bencana banjir yang kemudian diterbitkan oleh Utusan Sarawak, sebuah koran lokal, pekan lalu. New Straits Times di Kuala Lumpur, juga memuat foto tersebut yang kemudian dirilis oleh The Telegraph, Inggris.

Ada juga yang tidak mempercayai foto itu dan menganggapnya rekayasa semata. Hal ini karena terlalu jauhnya pengambilan gambar ular tersebut. Benar atau tidak, foto itu sudah membuat masyarakat di sekitar Serawak, khususnya Sibu, ketakutan. Sebab, sungai itu merupakan urat nadi transportasi masyarakat selama ini.

Berdasarkan legenda yang hidup di masyarakat setempat, memang dipercaya tentang adanya anaconda di kawasan tersebut yang bernama Nabau. Menurut kepercayaan, Nabau merupakan ular dengan panjang 80 meter dengan kepala naga dan tujuh lubang hidung. Masyarakat desa yang tinggal di sungai Baleh Borneo mempercayai makhluk mistik tersebut. Selain itu, masyarakat memang sering melihat ular-ular besar di kawasan itu.

Nah, pertanyaannya, bila foto itu asli, apakah ular yang terlihat itu sejenis python atau anaconda? Hingga kini memang belum ditemukan adanya anaconda di Kalimantan, kecuali dalam film Anaconda: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid yang laris itu.

Rekor ular terpanjang saat ini memang anaconda (eunectes) dari Amazone. Anaconda merupakan keluarga boa. Panjang anaconda yang baru ditemukan adalah 50 kaki, namun para ilmuwan percaya ada anaconda yang panjangnya 80 kaki, bahkan 100 kaki dari temuan kulit ular tersebut oleh sebuah ekspedisi ilmuwan Inggris tahun 1992. Dalam keluarga anaconda, menurut situs lingkungan Mongabay, yang terbesar adalah anaconda hijau (Eunectes murinus). Panjangnya mencapai 43 meter.

Python Asia adalah ular terpanjang kedua. Ilmuwan menyebutnya Asiatic Reticulated Python (python reticulatus). Python terpanjang yang ditemukan di kawasan Kalimantan panjangnya 33 kaki, dan merupakan rekor dunia sanca terpanjang saat ini. Para ilmuwan percaya panjang python bisa mencapai 50 kaki atau sekitar 15 meter.

Bedanya, anaconda lebih langsing dan ahli berenang. Sementara python lebih gemuk dan hanya suka kelembaban, bukan di air. Anaconda menggigit mangsanya sampai mati sebelum menelan, sementara python menggunakan kekuatannya dengan membalut mangsa sampai tulang-belulangnya hancur atau tak bergerak lagi, kemudian ditelan bulat-bulat.

Awal Februari, para ilmuwan menemukan fosil ular seberat sebuah mobil kecil. Ular itu diperkirakan bisa melumat binatang seukuran sapi. Monster sepanjang 45 kaki bernama Titanoboa sangat besar dan hidup dengan memakan buaya dan kura-kura raksasa. Beratnya mencapai 1,25 ton. Ia biasa merayap di sekitar hutan-hutan tropis Amerika Selatan 60 tahun silam.


Are the photos of Borneo's monster snake real?

Grainy images of a large snake in Borneo's Baleh River have some locals afraid the mythical Nabu snake is back. Is Borneo's 100-foot river snake—reported yesterday by London's Telegraph and captured in photographs (one appears to the left)—real?

Like the Loch Ness Monster, countless UFOs and Bigfoot, it's hard to say, says Hany Farid, a computer science professor at Dartmouth University, because it's been captured in such low resolution. "It's as if you took a blood sample," he says, "threw away 99 percent of it and asked me to do a forensic analysis."

An expert of digital photography forensics, Farid notes that with so few pixels to analyze, there's much less evidence to weigh in one way or the other. At a high resolution—say, 1,000 by 1,000 pixels—tampering gets tougher. At that level, he says, "It's really hard to do. You've got to get it all just right."

The low level of resolution is precisely why viewers should be skeptical. To make a fraudulent photo, he says, one would want to work in high resolution, fake it as cleanly as possible and then compress it and make it a bit blurry. "That's a good way of masking any artifacts that you've left behind," he says.

Plus, Farid notes that although the fuzziness of UFO and Nessie photos might add a bit of desirable mystique, in this day and age of high-quality point-and-shoot digital cameras, there really aren't many reasons why anyone's daytime photos should be as blurry as those of the Borneo "snake."

In addition to the resolution of the two snake photos, other characteristics of an easy fake pop up as well, he observes. Both images show the snake in a somewhat open area, not interacting with other objects. It would be a lot more difficult, Farid says, to fake a snake wrapped around a person.  

Although Farid won't opine whether the Borneo photos are real or manipulated, he suggests a handy rule of thumb: "When you look at images, you should think about, 'How hard would this be to do?'"


Borneo Island has in the past, been synonymous with Head Hunters and the White Rajahs. Of course, the head hunter days were the wild wild Those years back in the era of 18 hundredth.
Borneo is the third largest island in the world covering an area of ​​roughly 750,000 sq. kilometers. It is divided into 3 Countries i.e. Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), Brunei and Indonesia. Indonesia takes up about 2/3 of the Island Which is commonly known as Kalimantan.

Borneo being a Tropical rain forest is rich in flora and fauna. Given the abundance of rainfall, it makes sense that Borneo’s flora is among the most diverse in the world. Borneo has nearly 11,000 species of flowering plants, about a third of which are indigenous. How dense is the vegetation? In one 16 acre area of Borneo’s lowland forest, over 700 species of trees have been recorded. In comparison, there are only 171 native tree species in all of eastern North America.

Borneo has been known to have the oldest forest in the world and perhaps supplies the largest amount of oxygen to the world. It has the largest flower in the world – the Rafflesia and the smallest flower in the world – the Orchid Podochilus. Borneo Island, located in the center of Maritime South-East Asia has the highest mountain in South-East Asia, Mount Kinabalu, Sabah at 4095 meters high. Mt. Kinabalu National Park at the foot hill of Mt. Kinabalu is known as the Botanical Paradise due to its diverse range of flora and fauna. The smallest flower in the world is found here.

Borneo is the home of Orang Utan or Man of the Jungle. It has the largest Orang Utan Rehalibitation Center at Sepilok, Sabah which is managed by WWF with more than 30 local staff. There are several other Rehalibitation centers in around Sarawak and Kalimantan. The other Iconic wildlife of Borneo is the famous HornBill bird. Most of the traditional culture and craft are centered around this huge but graceful bird. Sarawak is also known as the Land of the Hornbill. The Long Nosed Proboscis monkeys can only be found in Borneo Island.

he natives of Borneo are generally referred to as Dayaks. However, there are smaller varieties of different tribes in the coastal as well as in the highland of Borneo. Each of these tribes is distinguishable from each other by their language and culture. The largest group is the Iban or the Sea Dayak. Most of the natives dwell in long houses which can accommodate up to 100 people. The only nomadic tribe is the Penan tribe who moves from places to places while hunting for their food. They stay in simple temporary shelters.

If you are interested to find out more about Borneo, this is the place for you!




Ini adalah ranks Kecantikan Etika Sarawak semasa FestivalKenyalang 2010 anjuran Warisan Sarawak Kuala Lumpur (24JULAI 2010) di Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, MTC Jalan Ampang,Kuala Lumpur.
Pertandingan kecantikan terdiri daripada 3 kategori yangdibahagikan mengikut kumpulan etnik peserta.
1) Kumang Iban
2) Kumang Bidayuh
Biasanya, ini walaupun telah menganjurkan setiap tahun, diSarawak Borneo semasa Festival Penuaian,
'Kumang Gawai' (secara literal Kecantikan Ratu Pesta Menuai).

Pada zaman purba, ia dipercayai bahawa Kumang memiliki kuasamistik dan ia telah berkata bahawa dia adalah sulung paling adilbahawa dia telah menawan hati putera itu, 'Keling'. Kumang adalahimpian setiap orang, dia Dewi domestik. Dia boleh menenun 'Pua Kumbu Pua Kumbu' dan dia mampu untuk mengendalikan kerja-kerja rumah dan ia adalah setiap impian ibu bapa bahawa anak perempuan mereka akan mempunyai kualiti yang baik Kumang.

Peserta-peserta untuk 3 kategori ..

The close up pictures of the contestants that used to judge for subsidiary title Miss Photogenic.

                               Last year winners..the crowning moment for 2010 beauty queen.



The northernmost tip of Borneo is locally known as Simpang Mengayau. Some 40 kilometers from Kudat, a historically important town in the very north of Sabah Simpang Mengayau has remained relatively undisturbed and was only recently "discovered" as a tourism destination. Pristine beaches, indigenous longhouses, secluded diving, intricate handicraft by the Rungus people - the ethnic entity that populates the Kudat Peninsula - await you along with villages where gongs are manufactured, simply the percussion instrument throughout Borneo.

Over the past couple of years the peninsula has seen tremendous upgrading of infrastructure, and Kudat as well as the very tip of Borneo, the world's third largest island, is now accessible by car in little under three hours. But why the rush: take your time, stop by at the many markets, visit the 'one village one trade' kampungs of Gombizau (honey), Sumangkap (gongs), Tinanggol (beads) and Bavanggazo (longhouse living culture). Meet the locals and chat with them; stroll through the fish markets of Kudat where some of Sabah's best seafood comes from. And enjoy a sumptuous meal, be it for lunch or dinner, of the best the seas can offer at unbeatable prices. Relax on some of the most beautiful beaches you'll ever see, and if you are a diver you will find the area not only intriguing for its marine life, but also for the treasure trove of ancient wrecks that can be found in the north of Sabah. Who knows, you might even make an important discovery...!
For the traveller there is now a wide choice of accommodation, ranging from homestay programmes in villages where you can taste longhouse living over simple town hotels to the newly completed Kudat Marina & Golf Resort.

Kudat remains a destination a select few visit, despite its upgraded infrastructure that brought better accessibility and accommodation. It is a truly fascinating area to visit and a visit to Sabah should not be complete without having seen the very Tip of Borneo at least...!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hits Borneo 2

Misteri Suara Dari Langit di Kota Samarahan Terjawab?

Suara aneh dan menakutkan dari langit atau Dengkuran Gergasi yang berlaku di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, baru-baru ini mungkin merupakan satu amaran kepada umat Islam di akhir zaman ini.

Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria berkata, setiap umat Islam wajar mengambil iktibar atas kejadian-kejadian ganjil yang berlaku yang mungkin menjadi petanda kemurkaan Allah atas dosa-dosa yang dilakukan selama di muka bumi ini.

“Setiap yang ganjil berlaku di dunia ini wajar diambil iktibar oleh semua umat Islam..mungkin ia adalah amaran kepada kita.. Rasulullah pun ada sebut kita ni umat akhir zaman, banyak petanda yang sudah berlaku. 

Kita perlu merenung diri bermuhasabah diri..terlalu banyak dosa yang kita lakukan, kita merupakan umat paling maju dan bertamadun.., namun kita lupa Tuhan, kita semakin kufur padaNya, malah ada suara-suara yang berani mencabar Allah sekarang ni.”

Tidak menolak kejadian aneh tersebut sebagai salah satu petanda akhir zaman, Harussani turut menjelaskan bahawa beberapa perkara lain yang disebutkan Rasulullah SAW telah berlaku yang menguatkan dakwaan tersebut.

“Dah banyak petanda akhir zaman dah berlaku..hukuman yang pernah diturunkan Allah pada kaum-kaum terdahulu pun dah terjadi juga pada zaman sekarang. 

Rasulullah ada sebut dulu.., ada orang yang akan tenggelam dalam bumi, dah berlaku kejadian manusia mati tenggelam dalam tanah runtuh.., gempa bumi pun makin kerap berlaku, tiap-tiap bulan kita dengar ada gempa bumi. 

Anak-anak zina pun makin ramai, dah berpuluh-puluh ribu dah.., dunia pun dah ada angin ‘sar-sar’, angin ‘sar-sar’ ni ialah angin batu, sekarang ni pun dah ada dah berlaku bencana ni.., angin ‘sar-sar’ ni dulu diturunkan Allah kepada umat Nabi Luth,” ulasnya lagi.

Justeru, Mufti Perak itu menasihati umat Islam agar mengambil iktibar di atas segala kejadian yang berlaku kini dan bermuhasabah diri serta kembali kepada agama Allah yang sebenar sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

Insiden ‘bunyi aneh dan menakutkan’ dari langit yang berlaku di Kota Samarahan tersebut heboh diperkatakan di seluruh dunia dan dilaporkan pernah berlaku di Aaborg, Denmark dan Sweden pada tahun lalu. 

Ekoran kejadian tersebut, timbul pelbagai andaian dari masyarakat umum yang mengaitkannya dengan fenomena akhir zaman dan merupakan petanda besar bahawa hari kiamat sangat hampir tiba sebagai pengakhiran dunia.

Selain itu, timbul juga andaian yang menyatakan bahawa insiden kejadian aneh itu berpunca dari sebuah program yang dikenali sebagai “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme” (HAARP) yang dianjurkan oleh Amerika Syarikat secara rahsia.

Bagaimanapun, tiada bukti yang menyokong hujah HAARP tersebut memandangkan kejadian itu berlaku di merata dunia dan amat mustahil melibatkan program yang berpengkalan di Gakona, Alaska tersebut. 

Ikuti sekali lagi video kejadian aneh suara pelik dari langit di Kota Samarahan Sarawak. Menyeramkan!